Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm a Sucker for the Underdog

Look at this poor disheveled little thing!

I feel awful, its all due to my neglect, or perhaps the racism of the neighboring "pink supremacists"
I think I should move him later in the season, poor chap. I mean look at the pictures from 2010!
Maybe Ill move him under the birch tree near the fritillaria, that little guy needs some company... that reminds me I need to get on that shiznat, clear out that section because the encroaching weeds are growing fast.

A certain Je Ne Sais Quoi...

Last weekend I came across this happy little fellow... and  have no idea what it is. I think its a rose mallow, I think my Dad planted it, but I can't be sure. These spy-like weeds that pose as flowers are rampant in my garden and since I'm not great a t keeping track of what I have planted I'm always skeptical when I see something like this.
The real problem is I don't have a great knowledge of what plants look like before they have flowered, when they are very young in spring, many a time I have mercilessly uprooted a young flowerling in early spring I planted with the utmost care and doting the year before. I almost pulled out my Dictamus for chirssake! The coveted Gas plant it took me years to acquire!
So I'll have to keep an eye on this guy, and see what ensues...
Here are some prime examples of young plants I didn't recognize earlier in the year:
Young Columbine
Young Bachelor's Button
Young Dictamus
Young Toad Lily
Young Campanula

Monday, June 4, 2012

June in the Garden

Well last weekend was just enchanting! The country has this ethereal quality about it; Miyazaki really nailed it in "My Neighbor Totoro". Its kind of like how you feel when your on vacation in Europe, sitting in the shade in some gorgeous Italian plaza, drinking wine or cafe latte at a cafe. You can just sit back and breathe for a change! And everything is making you feel pleasant and happy.
Also... I got a whole shopping bag full of fresh lettuce from the garden! That's enough lettuce for a week if I eat salads for every meal!!

Anyways moving on... more photos of the garden in June in the "photos" section. It was in top form this past weekend. That mulch I put down 3 weeks ago is paying off. I have realized that some wee slip of a plant that I added 3 years ago is now a towering behemoth, and some transplanting and dividing is going to be necessary.

We have also begun turning the front garden into a very respectable garden indeed! We planted canna lilies and sunflowers by the rhubarb. And I transplanted some morning glories I started from seed last week.
 Also callas, transplanted echinacea from the back garden and white gladiolas, and thinning out a huge bramble of black raspberries ... although they still need to be thinned out more and mulched, but I'm hopeful!